Ken Stewart, ItsYourNet CEO, spoke with Gary 'Wi-Fi' (CEO of the Wireless Corporation) recently and we are now officially in what Stock Promoters call, "The Quiet Time".
What this means is, when a Company goes public on a Stock Exchange there is a "Quiet Time" before it opens the stock for public trade.
From this point on, until the Official Press Release from Mr. Gary 'Wi-Fi' (and the Wireless Corporation) is issued, there can be no further information released!
This is what we've all been waiting for.
However, the questions are still coming in about the Wireless Internet project and Stock purchase.
So...Let's say this again...
"We are under strict orders to not say anything further about the Wireless project until authorized to do so."
Furthermore, with $13-Billion provided by seven (7) Investor Bankers, no Seed or Preferred Stock needs to be offered and no other investment capital is being sought, so sale of Stock is not required to raise the money needed to launch this project.
ISPs who have officially 'Registered Their Interest' in the 'Branded ISP' Business model will be contacted as service becomes available in their area.
I know it’s not much to offer - but those ISPs who have officially registered their interest will be the first ISPs to be serviced.
There are official channels for ISPs to get this service and once the IPO is released there will be a mad scramble by unregistered ISPs to get access to this technology.
But those ISPs who had the foresight to 'Register Their Interest' will be the beneficiaries.
It's curious though...
There are folk, who, even without exposing themselves fully to the information, (admittedly, scarce as it is) have disqualified themselves from participating simply because they choose NOT to believe what we have.
I have received a report from an ISP who plainly states that the claims defy the Laws of Physics.
Well, I can understand his contention because what is claimed hasn't been accomplished before - but is that sufficient reason NOT to register?
After all - there is no obligation incurred through the registration process.
It simply says to us that they want to be contacted - if and when this technology becomes available at a commercial level.
I'm reminded of a poignant example of incredulity back when the few pioneers of powered flight were scoffed at because everyone 'knew' that it was impossible.
After all - it violated 'The Laws of Physics'.
How many times has the status quo been changed by individuals who focused their genius upon a specific problem?
However, I invite the skeptics to look at the claims from a different perspective...
Who in their right mind would invest 13 Billion Dollars of their personal fortunes on a technology that didn't work?
I wish I could tell you who these individuals are - because if these names were released - anyone who knew anything about global technological development over the last 20 years would immediately 'see the light'.
But their names cannot be made public - now - simply because of the pending IPO.
So, even if the claims sound ludicrous - just keep in mind that those investors who believes this technology is worth 13 Billion Dollars of their collective personal fortunes - must have had the foresight, genius and business acumen to have created such fortunes - thus enabling such a substantial investment in this project - in the first place !!!
The Wright Brothers had the dream, genius, innovative skills and tenacity to make powered flight possible - but whom were their 13 Billion Dollar backers?
History might have recorded for them a more favorable business outcome if such investors were alive - then.
To sum it all up.. Money Talks